What is the Most Important

"What is the Most Important" is a small exhibition in the Educational Room / Open Storage presenting the most interesting exhibits that have been included in The NMS-DCU collection within recent years, since the opening of the facility in January 2016.

Online exhibition: CLICK

Since February 11th 2021 the exhibition will be also available (with appropriate sanitary regime) in the Educational Room / Open Storage of The National Museum in Szczecin – The Dialogue Centre Upheavals.
Admission ticket: PLN 1

The vast majority of the objects were donated, a small part as indefinite term deposits, and only a small percentage of them are purchases. The donors were mainly residents of Szczecin and West Pomerania, but also visitors to the Museum whose families were (or still are) related to the region. The oldest of the donated objects origin from the 19th century and they are the part related to the history of Poland during the Partitions, the First World War, the interwar time and the Second World War. These souvenirs were brought to the Western and Northern Territories after 1945. The largest collection includes objects related to history Polish Szczecin in the years 1945–1990. The donors handed over family mementoes to The NMS-DCU, being concerned that they would be properly secured and displayed. Among the thousands of collected objects, many are unique and of great importance for the history not only of the region  – these were shown at the exhibition. The exposition is intended to become a starting point for creating a catalogue of the most important collections of The NMS-DCU and, above all, for a discussion about the community that the inhabitants of these lands have become.