Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie is committed to providing its website accessibility in accordance with the regulations of the Polish Act of April 4th 2019 on the Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Entities.

This Accessibility Statement refers to the following website:

Website publication date: 2015.09.01. Most recent major update: 2021.12.29.

Digital Accessibility Status

The website is partially compliant with the Polish Act of April 4th 2019 on the Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Entities, due to the following non-compliances and exclusions..

Non-Accessible Content

  • Some videos are not provided with subtitles for deaf persons.
  • Some photographs and PDF publications do not have alternative descriptions and titles.
  • Some links are not underlined nor distinguished by colour and their content is incomprehensible when using the focus device.

Preparation of this Accessibility Statement

This statement was prepared on: 2021.12.15.

This statement was prepared on the basis of a test carried out by the public entity itself.

This statement was reviewed on: 2021.12.29.

Standard keyboard shortcuts may be used on this website.

Feedback and Contact Information

If you have a problem with this website due to its non-compliance with the digital accessibility regulations, email or call Doroty Obalek-Bylak, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 797 400 438.

Please provide:

  • your full name,
  • your contact details (i.e. phone number, e-mail address),
  • exact address of the website containing non-accessible content,
  • description of the problem and the solution that would be most suitable for you.

Request and Complaint Service

We will respond to your request as soon as possible, not later than in 7 days.

In case this is impossible for us, we will inform you about it and provide you with a new date of improving our website or with an alternative way of providing the information you miss. This new date will not be later than 2 months.

If we are unable to provide you with the digital accessibility of the website or its content, we will suggest an alternative way of accessing them.

If the public entity refuses you request, you have the right to complain on digital accessibility of a website, a mobile application or their elements. If this procedure fails, you may take the matter to Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich.

Architectural Accessibility

Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie (The National Museum in Szczecin), ul. Wały Chrobrego 3

Due to renovation works performed at a part of the ground floor, the first floor is temporarily non-adjusted to the needs of the physically challenged persons (the lift is out of order). The ground-floor exposition is available (which involves setting a ramp by the personnel).

Possible obstacles
A wide doorstep at the building entrance. Toilets (located at the -1 level) are unavailable

Access by car

  • 4 parking slots for disabled persons are located in front of Zachodniopomorski Urząd Wojewódzki facility (ul. Wały Chrobrego 4), ca. 150 m far.


Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie, Muzeum Tradycji Regionalnych (The NMS Museum of Regional Traditions) ul. Staromłyńska 27

The building is adjusted to the needs of physically challenged persons.

At the main entrance, on the left, there is a doorbell which may be used by a visitor to call the museum staff. After receiving the call, the staff member helps the visitor and shows them the way to the lift.

The lift, able to carry one wheelchair, accesses the ground and the first floors.
The ground-floor toilet is adjusted to the needs of physically challenged persons.

Possible obstacles
  • the way to the lift is not level,
  • the lift-accessing way is steep (ca. 18°).

Access by car

  • two parking slots for disabled persons are located opposite the building, ca. 50 m far.


Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie, Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej (The NMS Museum of Contemporary Art) ul. Staromłyńska 1

The building is not adjusted to the needs of physically challenged persons, there is no lift.

Possible obstacles
  • a doorstep at the building entrance,
  • seven steps without a handrail to access the first exposition,
  • the toilet is located at the -1 level and is not adjusted to the needs of physically challenged persons.

Access by car

  • two parking slots for disabled persons ca. 50 m far.


Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie, Muzeum Historii Szczecina (The NMS Szczecin History Museum) ul. Księcia Mściwoja II 8

Physically challenged persons have access to the ground-floor exposition. There is no lift.

Possible obstacles
  • doorstep at the exhibition room entrance,
  • the first-floor toilet is not adjusted to the needs of physically challenged persons.

Access by car

  • a parking slot for disabled persons ca. 150 m far.


Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie, Centrum Dialogu Przełomy (The NMS Dialogue Centre Upheavals) plac Solidarności 1

The facility is fully adjusted to the needs of physically challenged persons.


Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie, Zachodniopomorska Kolej Dojazdowa Gryfice (The NMS Narrow-Gauge Railway Exhibition in Gryfice) ul. Błonie 2

The facility is fully adjusted to the needs of physically challenged persons.


Mobile Applications

Currently, we do not provide any mobile applications.